An Invitation To Explore
This guide is an invitation for Santa Cruz County locals and all visitors with disabilities and special needs to explore the sights, sounds and flavors that Santa Cruz County has to offer. It has been written primarily to meet the needs of wheelchair users, people with developmental challenges, and their caregivers. We’ve included some resources for people with visual and auditory impairments, but our focus for this guide came from the community that Shared Adventures generally serves. Our goal is to be sure that everyone is accommodated.
If you are living with an auditory or visual impairment and would like further information and helpful resources, please contact the Vista Center for the Blind (458-9766) or the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center (753-6540 or 753-6541 TTY) (see listings in Social Services).
Videos from Friends Of Santa Cruz County Parks Accessibility
presented by Brenda Gutierrez Baeza:
Dear Friends,
We at Shared Adventures are excited to offer this guide to accessibility resources for both locals and visitors to Santa Cruz County. Part of our mission at Shared Adventures is to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, and we see this guide as the perfect complement to our recreational and educational programs. The guide will help bring together people of all abilities in our community.
I started Shared Adventures in 1992 with the first “Day on the Beach” event, where individuals with disabilities could challenge themselves in their environment through water sports. Since that first successful event we have provided hundreds of life-enriching recreational and social opportunities such as kayaking, surfing, outrigger canoeing, sailing, scuba diving, whale watching, yoga, rock climbing and much more.
I came up with the idea for the guide after visiting San Diego and seeing their accessibility guide. I felt it was helpful for both locals and travelers alike and knew that Santa Cruz would benefit from having its own version. Some of the great things you’ll find inside are accessible restaurants, hotels, parks, health agencies and other service providers which cater to those with special needs. We are proud to offer this guide to our community and visitors.
Please also check out:
There are all kinds of great links from there. Happy adventuring!
Foster Andersen
Founder, Shared Adventures

At least one designated accessible parking space in private lot. If no private lot at least one public accessible parking space within one block.
Accessible entrance is accessed by a lift, level ground,
or a ramp entrance with slope 1:12 or less
Door clearance is at least 32" wide
Entrance threshold less than 1/2" tall
Pathway at least 36" wide
Knee clearance of at least 27" provided
Entry door at least 32" wide
Stall door at least 32", or 36" if side opening and swings in
Grab bars on back wall and at least one side wall
Clear space for lateral transfer
Faucet controls operable with closed fist
Space for a wheelchair with adequate viewing capabilities.